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Urgent phenol contaminated groundwater purification after a tank leak

Just like firms in every sector, petrochemical and chemical companies have a duty to operate as sustainably as possible. Should something go wrong, it’s good to know that dedicated partners such as DESOTEC are on hand 24/7 to resolve urgent issues. This case study from Spain shows how DESOTEC leaps into action in emergency situations such as spills and leaks, protecting your business and the environment.

The Problem

In September 2017, a leading global producer of special phenol resins detected that groundwater at its site contained high concentrations of phenol. Further investigations revealed that groundwater in the surrounding area was also significantly affected.

The root of the problem was quickly traced to a leak in a phenol storage tank.

The company immediately took responsibility, informing the relevant authorities and searching for a solution for phenol removal.

It contacted DESOTEC and provided us with detailed measurements. We issued a quotation within 24 hours, which the company approved straight away.

Old industrial complex
Hands with clean water

The Solution

Within three days of the first contact, we delivered and set up a Mobicon mobile activated carbon filter on the site.

The company installed a pump to bring the contaminated groundwater to the filter. Once completely purified, the water was piped back into the ground.

After about three days, it became apparent that one mobile filter wouldn’t be enough, so the company decided to install three filters in series.

DESOTEC’s modular system makes it easy to adapt filtration set-ups in no time at all. Plus, we have substantial stock levels at our hubs around Europe so we can respond rapidly to urgent requests.

The Results

After three months, detailed tests and analyses by the authorities revealed that the groundwater had been completely purified.

By this stage, the customer had carried out all the necessary work to seal the leak in the phenol storage tank.

Since the end of 2017, the groundwater has once more been of an excellent quality. The company and stakeholders from the surrounding area can breathe a sigh of relief.

At DESOTEC’s facilities, all used carbon is analysed so the right measures can be taken for handling and removing the saturated carbon from the mobile filters. All molecules that were adsorbed onto the activated carbon at the customers’ sites are desorbed inside DESOTEC’s reactivation furnaces.

These contaminants are then fully destroyed, in accordance with national and European legislation, by an incineration and neutralisation setup. The entire installation and its emissions are under continuous online monitoring, which guarantees that only harmless water vapour is seen exiting the chimney.

In emergency situations, you need a partner you can trust. Call the team at DESOTEC today.